July 21, 2024

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost



Sunday Services

Divine Service - 8:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Holy Communion is offered at both services.

Adult Discipleship Class / Children's Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.

Wednesdays in Lent and Advent
6:30 p.m. Vespers



Ascension Lutheran Church is a place for families. Ascension offers many opportunities to study God's Word. Access our Family page on this website for more information. 



Providing a traditional, Christian education to students in Preschool through 8th grade

Access our School page on this website for more information about Ascension Lutheran School. 


"The Lord is our righteousness."

Jeremiah 23:6 (ESV)




Welcome to Ascension!

And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures and ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. ~ The Nicene Creed
In the Gospel of St. John (14:6) Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus is our way back to our Father in heaven. He is the Gospel (Good News) of God to the world. As Evangelical Lutherans, we are loyal to the Gospel of Christ, "for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). 
This Gospel ministry and mission of the Christian Church is to seek, make, and mature disciples for God's eternal kingdom through preaching, baptizing, teaching and communing. This work of the Holy Spirit of God among mankind is centered in the Divine Service in which the Word of God is first proclaimed and administered through sermons and sacraments. Through this Word and these means God saves us from our captivity to sin, death, and the devil, and so works in us a new and everlasting life.

  ... just as He is risen from the dead, lives and                                                                                                         reigns to all eternity! 

                                                                                                   ~ Luther's Small Catechism


At Ascension, this new life finds its expression in a three-fold

fellowship and ministry of Church, Family, and School.

Here, you will encounter and know the Lord Jesus Christ

for your forgiveness, life, and salvation!         

Pastor James Gier


Pastor Gary Zieroth



Website Updated
July 22, 2024

